
英訳 P164P165 8.3.3


8.3.2 The “Habermann” Hierarchy in the T.H.E. System

8.3.2 T.H.Eシステムでの「ハーバーマン」階層


The T.H.E. system was also hierarchical in another sense. In order to make the system relatively insensitive to the number of processors and their relative speeds, the system was designed as a set of “parallel sequential processes”.



The activities in the system were organized into "processes" such that the sequence of events within a process was relatively easy to predict, but the sequencing of events in different processes were considered  unpredictable (the relative speeds of the process were considered unknown).



Resource allocation was done in terms of the processes and the processes exchanged work assignments and information.



In carrying out a task, a exchanged work assignments and information.



One important relation between the processes in such a system is the relation "give work to".



In his thesis [6] Habermann assumed that "gives work to" defined a hierarchy to prove "harmonious cooperation".



If we have an Operating System we want to show that a request of the system will generate only a finite (and reasonably small) number of requests to individual processes before the original request is satisfied. 



If the relation "gives work to" defines a hierarchy, we can prove our result by examining each process separately to make sure that every request to it results in only a finite number of requests to other processes.



If the relation is not hierarchical, a more difficult, "global" analysis would be required.



Restricting "gives work to" so that it defines a hierarchy helps in the establishment of the "well-behavedness", but it is certainly not a necessary condition for "harmonious cooperation".



In T.H.E. system the two hierarchies described above coincided.



Every level of abstraction was achieved by the introduction of parallel processes and these processes only gave work to those written to implement lower levels in the program hierarchy.



One should not draw general conclusions about system structure on the basis of this coincidence.



For example, the remark that "building a system with more levels than were found in the T.H.E. system is undesirable, because it introduces more queues" is often heard because of this coincidence.



The later work by Dijkstra on structured programming [21] shows that the levels of abstraction are useful when there is only process.



Further, the "Habermann hierarchy" is useful, when the processes are controlled by badly structured programs.



Adding levels in the program hierarchy need not introduce new processes or queues.



Adding processes can be done without writing new programs.



The "program hierarchy" is only significant at times when humans are working with the program (e.g, when the program is being constructed or changed).



If the programs were all implemented as macros, there would be no trace of this hierarchy in the running system.



The "Habermann hierarchy" is a restriction on the run time behavior of the system.



The theorems proven by Harbermann would hold even if a process that is controlled by a program written at a low level in the program originally written at a higher level in the program hierarchy



There are also no detrimental effects on the program hierarchy provided that the programs written at the lower level are not written in terms of programs at the higher level. Readers are referred to "Flatland" [7].




Hierarchical Structures Relating to Resource Ownership and Allocation.



The RC4000 system [8] and [9] enforced a hierarchical relation based upon the ownership of memory.



A generalization of that hierarchical structure has been proposed by Varney [10] and similar hierarchical relationships are to be found in various commercial operating systems, though they are not often formally described.



In the RC4000 system the objects were processes and the relation was "allocated a memory region to".



Varney proposes extending the relation so that the hierarchical structure controlled the allocation of other resources as well.



(In the RC4000 systems specific areas of memory were allocated, but that was primarily a result of the lack of virtual memory hardware; in most systems of interest now, we can allocate quantities of a resource without allocating the specific physical resources until they are actually used.)



In many commercial systems we also find that resources are not allocated directly to the processes which use them. They are allocated to administrative units, who, in turn, may allocate them to other processes. In these systems we do not find any loops in the graph of "allocates resources to", and the relation defines a hierarchy, which is closely related to the RC4000 structure.



This relation was not a significant one in the T.H.E system, where allocating was done by a central allocator called a BANKER.

Again this sense of hierarchy is not strongly related to the others, and if it is present with one or more of the others, they need not coincide.



The disadvantages of a nontrivial hierarchy (the hierarchy is present in a trivial form even in the T.H.E system) of this sort are (1) poor resource utilization that may occur when some processes in the system are short of resources while other processes, under a different allocator in the hierarchy, have an excess; (2) high overhead that occurs when resources are tight.



Requests for more resources must always go up all the levels of the hierarchy before being denied or granted.

The central "banker" does not have these disadvantages.

A central resource allocator, however, becomes complicated in situation where groups of related processes wish to dynamically share resources without influence by other such groups.



Such situations can arise in systems that are used in real time by independent groups of users. The T.H.E. system did not have such problems and as a result, centralized resource allocation was quite natural.



It is this particular hierarchical relation which the Hydra group rejected.

They did not mean to reject the general notion of hierarchical structure as suggested in the original report [1] and [11].
